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Selectmen's Minutes - March 15, 1994
Accepted           Minutes: March 15, 1994 - Selectmen Meeting

Selectmen Attending: Judith Murdoch, Robert Andrews, James
Haggerty, Joseph Frisoli, Chair, and  Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk.
Also attending: Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary to the Board.

Frisoli called the meeting to order at 7:45pm.

I. May Ballot Question: McCormack has spoken to DOR for the wording and was told that having two such questions on the ballot would be confusing.  Only one question was suggested to simplify matters. The procedure to follow is that the same question must be on theTown Meeting Warrant and then on the Annual Election ballot.  A one-year exclusion is a Capital Exclusion; a five year question is a Debt Exclusion. After a short discussion on whether to have two questions on the warrant for discussion the following motion was made as the simplest way to proceed.  Motion 3/15/94.1: move to place a one year Capital Exclusion article for road and drainage repair on the warrant to be followed by the same ballot question at the May Annual Election.  Motion made by Kuchinski with second by Haggerty.  Motion carried 4-0.  McCormack to obtain all cost figures.

II. Board of Selectmen officers: Frisoli noted that last week
there was no Vice-Chair elected. Since there was a likelihood he
would be out of town next week he wanted this matter addressed.
Motion 3/15/94.2: move to appoint Judy Murdoch as Vice Chair.
Motion by Haggerty second by Frisoli. During the discussion
Kuchinski noted that the position could remain open with the
Clerk stepping in as necessary as Vice-Chair.  Motion carried 4-
0.  Noting that the previous votes were taken as reorganization,
Kuchinski questioned if there were to be a change in the Clerking
for the Board.  Motion 3/15/94.3: move to reappoint Kuchinski as
Clerk. Motion by Haggerty, second by Frisoli. Motion carried 4-0.

II. Executive Secretary Report: (1) Business Association has
scheduled an Open House for March 28 at Abington Savings Bank
(Whitman) from 6-8:30.  Murdoch and Kuchinski to attend. (2)
FinCom: Selectmen scheduled tonight.  Nugent thought they might
want answers on additional positions.  He noted that presently
the town was $60,000 in the hole with many things still up in the
air (police contract, school ed reform monies, cherry sheet).
Selectmen have always made separate recommendations.  Nugent was
instructed to invite FinCom to meet with Selectmen on April 5 and
April 19 as necessary. (3) Board of Assessors request for
position reclassification:  Current mail has a letter from the
Union stating it does not want to see reclassification addressed
at this time. Nugent outlined three options: (1) leave as is; (2)
notify Union wish to impact bargain; (3) number of positions
controlled by Bd of Selectmen - Bd could add assistant appraisal
position.  Final discussion next meeting.  Haggerty against
reopening any contract.

Motion 3/15/94.4: move to adjourn.  Motion made by Haggerty with
second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.  Adjourned 8:15pm.